Saturday, January 16, 2010

What if.. there was a cure for cancer?

What if there was a cure for cancer? Well if there was a cure for cancer a lot of people could be saved from this disease that so many have died from. So many people already have to fight to survive from cancer. Even though doctors can remove the tumors the patients still have to go thru treatments that weakens them and make them feel even sicker than they already are. Some treatments like radiation can cause people to develop other cancers in the body. If my brother could have the cure for cancer he could have a normal teenage life instead of going to chemo treatments, having surgeries, or blood work. Now for the rest of his life he will have to have mris done to make sure the cancer he had will never come back. I know when he was first diagnosed I wasn’t sure if he would live or die because of how big the tumor was in his head and because when they had to do surgery by the stem of his brain. The doctors weren’t sure how it will affect him after the surgery. So if my brother had the cure it could also mean my family be more at ease with his health. I feel inspired for all those who stand and fight and cancer and for those who are survivors because they went through something I can’t imagine going through all the treatments and the surgeries. The cure could help so many live a more normal life and I know there close to coming up with a cure. But they might not find it if people keep cutting down the rain forests because I so believe the cure is out there somewhere in the rainforests. For right now since there isn’t any cure I just hope science and technology gets better where there can be more survivors out there.

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