Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blog 3

What if there weren’t any fictional books? Fictional books are great way for many young children to develop imagination, and also for adults to escape reality and forget all their main worries that they have for a couple of hours. By taking away the main source of imagination is a horrible thing to do to anyone because imagination can brighten someone’s day, or makes the possibilities of the future. Imagination helps people think outside the box and makes people more creative. It also helps people interpret things and helps to make sense what it things really mean or really anything. Fictional books do a lot for the human mind. It helps build a person’s vocabulary when they read because when you read you come across words you have never seen before and it helps you understand how to use the word. Since fictional books are more popular than nonfiction there is a bigger chance that that’s where everyone learns new words. It is also said that reading can help you write better, but I read a lot of fictional books and I can’t write that well. Fictional books do so much for the human brain. The imagination is still the number one thing that fictional books can give. I couldn’t imagine a world without them. Fictional books have been around every since a person thought about writing down their thoughts and their imagination for someone else to read. So really we have those people to thank for, for giving us a world of unknown creatures, people, and places. That is why if fictional books weren’t invented today we wouldn’t have the imagination or creative to do things or a world to escape to when ours is too much to handle.

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