Sunday, July 9, 2023

I am BACK!!!!

 Hi all!!!

So last time I was here writing, it was for an English class that was focused on biology. It was the best class I had taken as an undergraduate that wasn't in my major. It actually allowed me to enjoy an English class for the first time ever. I love science and math courses over English, and I am sorry if I offend anyone who loves English. To each their own, I suppose.  

Now I have since graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Science from University of Memphis as well as my Master's degree in Science. I focused my degree in Animal Behavior and Mammology. Even though I focused all my studies on animal studies, I get a job that is focused in mainly plants. You should have seen my surprise when my employer informed me that I would be focusing on habitat restoration which includes plant biology. I was like so lost, but since this was the first job that was permanent and full-time in field biology, I made it my mission to understand my job duties. I studied different plants, and understanding what plants were native and what were invasive. 

I am now in my second year at this job and I feel like I have come a long way.  The only obstacles that I still have to improve and tackle is improving my supervising skills. Let me tell you being around a bunch of males you would think there would be less drama. WRONG!!! I feel like that initiate all the drama. So I will like to share my stories and equipment that I have found that has helped me the most this past year and as I continue this year and more. Since I don't have friends in this new area this will become a great outlet for all my frustrations with staff and obstacles. If anyone has suggestions along the way I would greatly appreciate any advice that you have to give especially with staff issues or with any habitat conservation. 

Until later 


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